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The Yaskawa Drive SGD7S-2R8AA0A is a high-performance servo drive module suitable for a wide range of industrial automation applications.

Brand: Yaskawa

Model: SGD7S-2R8AA0A

Product size with packaging: 28.5*20.5*7.5cm

Power: 0.4kW

Product weight with package: 1.4kg

Voltage: three-phase AC200V

Product type: Servo drive

Origin: Japan

The following is a detailed description of the drive module:

Model and specifications: The SGD7S-2R8AA0A is a driver module model from Yaskawa Corporation with a variety of input and output options, including master input, single/three phase output, and different current and power levels.

Input power: The driver module can accept single-phase or three-phase input power in the voltage range 200-240V and frequency 50/60Hz. Single-phase input rated current is 5A, three-phase input rated current is 2.5A, suitable for different power supply environment.

Output characteristics: The driver module offers single-phase and three-phase output options, single-phase output voltage range of 200-240V, frequency of 50-60Hz, rated current of 0.2A; Three-phase output voltage range is 200-240V, frequency range is 0-500Hz, rated current is 2.8A, rated power is 400W.

Protection grade: The driver module has IP20 protection grade, suitable for installation and use in general industrial environment.

Environmental adaptability: The drive module can work normally in the ambient temperature range of 5°C to 55°C, adapting to different working environments and temperature conditions.

Manufacturing Information: The drive module is manufactured by Yaskawa Electric Corporation in Kitakyushu, Japan. Products through strict quality control and testing, with reliable performance and excellent quality.

Other information: The driver module is equipped with MSIP-REM interface and other identifiers for easy installation and use. The product provides detailed manufacturer information and contact details.

In summary, Yaskawa drive module SGD7S-2R8AA0A is a reliable drive product with high performance, reliability and adaptability for a variety of industrial automation applications.

Details of SGD7S-2R8AA0A

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Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Excellent Quality, Superb Technology, Industrial Control System Solution Service Provider
Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China