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Festo's DGPL-18-KF is a direct-travel drive with either a recirculating ball bearing guide or a heavy-duty guide, as well as precision and high load resistance. It is a versatile product with multiple variants available to meet the needs of individual applications.

Brand: FESTO Festo

Model: DGPL-18-KF

Size: 24*6*1.5cm

Weight: 0.5kg Piston diameter 18mm

Cover material: Die-cast aluminum (with coating) Cover material: Aluminum (anodized)

Seal material: NBR (TPE-U(PU))

Product type: Straight drive

Origin: Germany


1. High precision: DGPL-18-KF adopts advanced manufacturing process and high quality bearing guide rail to ensure its high precision and stability during operation. Accurate positioning can be maintained at both low and high speeds.

2. High load resistance: The driver has excellent load resistance and can withstand a large number of loads without affecting its operating performance. This makes it ideal for industrial applications where heavy loads need to be borne.

3. Variety of options: The DGPL-18-KF is available in a variety of derivative models and configuration options, including different rail types and sizes, as well as a variety of accessories and customization options, which can be selected and configured according to the requirements of the specific application.

4. High reliability: As a well-known brand, Festo's products have undergone strict quality control and testing, and DGPL-18-KF is no exception. It has excellent reliability and stability, and can run stably for a long time, providing users with lasting performance guarantees.

5. Easy installation and maintenance: The compact design and easy installation of this direct-stroke drive combine with excellent durability and easy maintenance to reduce maintenance costs and downtime.

Application field:

Festo DGPL-18-KF direct travel drivers are used in a wide range of industrial applications, including machining, automated assembly lines, material handling systems, packaging equipment, and more. They reliably perform positioning, mobility and transmission tasks in these areas, providing efficient and stable solutions for industrial production.

Overall, Festo DGPL-18-KF direct travel drives are an integral part of industrial automation and motion control with their high accuracy, load resistance, variety of options and reliability.

Details of DGPL-18-KF

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Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Excellent Quality, Superb Technology, Industrial Control System Solution Service Provider
Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China