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The Fanuc driver A06B-6164-H333 offers significant advantages in current control algorithms, power management systems and a full range of protection features for high-end industrial applications where motion control performance is required.

Brand: Fanuc

Model: a06b-6164-h333

Product series: A06B-6164-H series

Type: Servo driver

Size: 52*32*38.5cm

Weight: 18kg

Fanuc drive A06B-6164-H333

1. Technical features:

Advanced digital control technology, with high speed response and high precision position control capabilities.

Equipped with advanced current control algorithm and intelligent power management system to achieve high efficiency motion control.

A variety of built-in protection functions, such as overload, overheat, short circuit protection, to ensure the safe operation of the equipment under various load conditions.

2. Application Scenario:

Widely used in CNC machine tools, robots, automatic production lines and other high-end industrial equipment.

Have important application value in the application scenarios that require high precision, high speed and stability.

3. Advantages:

High performance and reliability ensure the stable running of the device for a long time.

Features compact design, high performance and reliability to improve production efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Advanced protection functions and intelligent diagnosis system improve the safety and reliability of the equipment.

The Fanuc Drive A06B-6164-H333 is a high-performance digitally controlled drive that is unique in that it:

1. High performance current control algorithm:

The driver adopts the advanced current control algorithm, which can realize the high efficiency control of the motor current, so as to realize the high efficiency motion control.

This current control algorithm combines the latest power electronics technology to maximize the motor's energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

2. Intelligent Power management system:

An intelligent power management system is built into the driver to monitor the power output of the motor in real time and adjust it intelligently according to the actual load to achieve the best power utilization.

This intelligent power management system can effectively improve the overall energy efficiency of the equipment and reduce production costs.

3. Comprehensive protection functions:

In order to ensure the safety of equipment and workers, the driver has built in a full range of protection functions, including overload, overheat, short circuit and other protection functions.

The protection functions detect and handle potential faults in a timely manner, ensuring the safe and stable running of the device.

4. Suitable for high-end application scenarios:

A06B-6164-H333 driver is mainly used in high-end industrial equipment, such as CNC machine tools, robots, etc.

Thanks to its high performance, high reliability, and advanced power management technology, it can meet the most demanding motion control application scenarios.

The Fanuc driver A06B-6164-H333 offers significant advantages in current control algorithms, power management systems and a full range of protection features for high-end industrial applications where motion control performance is required.

Details of A06B-6164-H333

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Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Excellent Quality, Superb Technology, Industrial Control System Solution Service Provider
Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Room 1204, Building 1, No. 4, Headquarter Road 2, Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China